Friday, October 20, 2006

Today ends the first phase

Today, Kaye and I returned from Chapel Hill after undergoing the central line catheter procedure on Wednesday and two days of mobilization chemotherapy. I am pleased to report everything went well. Kaye learned how to change the dressing on my central line placement and vows to give me the Neupogen shots that I will need twice a day starting Saturday and going through all of next week. This is the first steps in completing the stem cell transplant procedure. The next phase begins on Saturday with the shots then the step after that is the cell collection then we go into the isolaton phase but we were told this week the lymphoma socitey donates computers to the hopsital for isolated patients. There are some wonderful work being done by these groups!
I am really upbeat about the final path we are on. Kaye is wonderful and has filed her FMLA papers with work and can be with me through January. Thank you Clinton administration!
God continues to bless me and my family. Ryan is applying to UNC Wimington this week and will attend a baseball camp there in November. Matt is concluding his 3rd semester at East Carolina University. Time is flying by as he will be 1 semester away from being a Junior.

Our time in Chapel Hill was well spent getting used to the surroundings. I am sure we will do fine and time will pass quickly. I hope to keep my blog updated as we go through this process. So many of you have told us you want to call but feel that the time may not be right when you want to call. We understand and rest assured we would let you know if the time is right. This next week will be one that is important as I will have my white blood cell count lowered by the neupogen shots so going out side the house will be infrequent and I was told also that eating fresh fruits and vegetables would be out until after transplant. I have tonight to enjoy my last salad for a while.

We love you all and thank you for your prayers in our behalf